27 January, 2010

I told you I would have pictures...

I have knitted things:

Two pairs of socks for me and one for the co-worker giving me fitness advice. The rest are iPod/phone cozies. If you want one, leave a comment. Most of the sock yarn I have ever used is available, so let me know what color you would like, as well as the size of your iPod/phone and if you want a sweater or just a slip on cozie. They are pretty quick knits, but it will probably still take a couple of months for me to get one to you. I have lots of knitting projects going now, but am totally happy to add more.
Tonight, the Wild are killing the Detroit Red Wings and I am loving it! Hopefully they will do as well tomorrow.

15 January, 2010

Oh, Hai! (Completely Random stuff)

Shortly I shall show you what I have been doing with my time. But not now. I am at work (on lunch) and while the photos I wish to share are online, I have had bad luck with links and would rather upload from home. Yes, there is knitting. And an offer to knit for you if you like. I plan to show you these things this weekend, but I suggest that you not hold your breath, because my weekend plans and goals are ever-changing.
Aside from the knitting I have been watching football (and will do so again this weekend in the hopes that the Vikings will win.) Also hockey (they are getting better!) I have also been reading quite a bit it feels like. We both got Kindles for Christmas, and I LOVE it! Excellent to read on, easy to use. Oddly, the wireless occasionally makes my clock-radio chirp (if I am holding the k to close to the c-r and the k is trying to communicate with Amazon.) It makes the same noise as my heart rate monitor when I am uploading info. Obviously this is the sound of digital communication. I don't mind it, but I don't think I would want to listen to it for long periods of time.
One day I should write a post about Facebook and other such sites. It is only half-formed in my brain right now; I will wait until it is more coherent.
Happy Friday Everybody!

02 January, 2010

Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster Batman!

The Irish government just may have gone to far.
I thought everyone should know.