23 September, 2006

Erin, meet Zoe.

So its been a while since I posted, and guess what! Things Have Happened! Last Saturday we got a new kitten (she is now 11 weeks old). We decided to name her Zoe because Turbo, while appropriate to her behavior, did not seem like a really good name to us. Technically, she is my Christmas present from James. I am giving him the gift of shelves in his closet. Dad, I may need to borrow some power tools and saw horses. Here is a picture of our newest furball.

So far things are going ok between the two cats. Hopefully they will move from mostly tolerating each other to actually playing and getting along. We shall see. Erin is still hissing and growling some, but Zoe also provokes her by jumping on her tail and such.

In other news, I got (sort of) a promotion at work. I am moving back to our Rosedale store, which is a much higher volume than Southdale, and they actually make months, so I should get more than two bonus checks in a year. I will really miss working with the crew at Southdale, but the move is really what is best for me, and probably best for both stores as well. Southdale now has a decent chunk of payroll freed up, and Rosedale gets an experienced Office Manager to help them through the Holidays. I am still looking for more of a nine to five, but with this move (and raise) I can afford to do a lower intensity search and be a little choosy.

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