02 March, 2008

Here is the toe of my second toe-up sock as seen as a hat for my LilKinz cow. So far so good.
This weekend (in addition to finishing my first toe up sock) we did our taxes and worked on the bathroom wall a little. Back in December when the windows were put in, a couple of tiles in the upstairs bathroom were chipped, and the window no longer connected with the tiles. So we decided not to use that shower until we fixed the tiles so that water would not get into the wall and agravate our current moisture issues in that room. Well, we took out the bad tiles and purchsed what we think are all of the supplies that we will need to complete the repair. We made this progress over the last two weekends. The next step will be patching the holes in the wall that the tiles goes on. Then cutting and putting up the tile, grouting and sealing the grout. I think we may be able to shower upstairs again by June. Uff Da. Also, Oy vey. Thank goodness there is a shower downstairs as well.
I picked up some pretty cool sock yarn and the leap year sale at amazing threads. Now I just need to figure out what pattern I want to use. I think that I will do the toe up thing again (it is pretty easy now that I have the hang of it, and I like the short row heel also). Then I will find a stitch pattern that I like to use in the top of the foot and the leg.

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